- Copper is relatively mobile in plant and so also in soil. Its mobility in soils is governed by the amount of organic matter in soil.
- With appropriate doses of Boron, Copper, Manganese, the incidence of Powdery Mildew in Cucumber is reduced.
- Besides an essential micronutrient for plant growth, C)opper has got a fungicidal effect on plants.
- Physiologically, active Copper in plant is more important than total Copper content.
- Copper deficiencies are mainly reported on organic soils (peats and mucks), and on sandy soils which are low in organic matter. Copper uptake decreases as soil pH increases.
- Increased Phosphorus and Iron availability in soils decreases Copper uptake by plants.
- Important in protein, carbohydrate and photosynthesis metabolism and in Nitrogen fixation.
- Acts as a catalyst in respiration and iron utilization.
- Stimulates stem development and pigment formation.
- Involved in the manufacture of lignin, hence maintains integrity and strength of the cell wall.
- Helps in chlorophyll formation. Copper is a part of plastocyanin, which forms a link in the electro transfer chain involved in photosynthesis. Almost 70% of Copper in plant is present in the chlorophyll, largely bound to chloroplasts.
- Seeds are high in Copper. It is especially important for plant’s growth for seed, hence; it is involved in grain production.
- Component of laccase, ascorbic acid oxidase and other oxidase enzymes.
- Chlorosis of leaves starting from the edges, leaves show pale white tips.
- Withering, breaking, twisting and premature dropping of the leaves.
- Dieback of stem and twigs in fruit crops.
- In case of severe deficiency, poorly filled or even empty panicles at maturity.
- Since Copper is necessary for carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism, inadequate availability of Copper results in stunted growth of plants.
- Causes of COPPER Deficiency
- Strongly acidic and over-limed soils and alkaline soils formed from calcareous parent material.
- Excess amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and Iron decreases the uptake of Copper.
- Peat and muck soils and in sandy soils having low organic matter content.
- Poorly drained soils
Oat, Spinach, Lucerne, Carrot, Beet, Citrus fruit, Wheat (very susceptible)