Pseudomonas Fluorescens is bio control agent. These acts up on microbes like Rhizoctonia and Scheleroctinia which causes stem-rot and root – rot of plants. Leaf blight leaf spots and other fungal diseases etc can be well controlled and prevented by Agrimonas.
The bacteria prevents antifungal on plant leaves that leads to frost damage. Metabolites released by the bacteria are responsible for the antiphyto pathogenic properties in some strains.
Pseudomonas fluorescens with a population density of 109 c.f.u./ml.
AGRIMONAS controls Root rot, Collar rot, Rhizome rot, Wilt, Leaf spots, Blast, Sheath blight, Sheath rot, Red rot, Powdery mildews, Downy mildew, fungal disease and also stimulates growth.
Application details:
Rice, Wheat, Maize, sorghum, Cotton, Pulses and Vegetables(3-4 month crops) plantation crops.
Seed Treatment: The seeds required for one acre is mixed with 50 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma each and shade dried for 30 minutes before sowing.
Soil Application: For 1 ac, Mix 200 ml – 400 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma with organic manure and apply as basal application. or through fertigation.
Turmeric, Ginger, Banana, Sugarcane and Flower crops(6 month to 1 year crop)
Rhizome/Sett Treatment: The Rizomes required for one acre is mixed with 200 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma each and shade dried for 30 minutes before sowing.
Soil Application: For 1 ac, Mix 500 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma with organic manure and apply as basal application. or through fertigation.
Coconut, Mango, Amla, Citrus, Sapota, Vanilla, Pepper, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee, Palm, Cashew and Cocoa.
Foliar Application:
• 2ml /litre of water
• Can be given to all field crops and tree crops to prevent and control the leaf spot, blight, blast….
• Use organic plus 5ml/litre along with pseudocon foliar application, for immediate development of new shoots and flowering.
Includes all stages of crops.
Manure Enrichment: 500 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas each and 1000 ml of Organic Plus would be sufficient for 1 ton of organic manure.
Highly active on
• Root and stem rots caused by Schlerotinia and Rhizoctonio.
• Damping off caused by Pythium
• Blights/leaf spots caused by Alternaria, Ascochyta, Cercospora, Macrophomina, Myrothecium, Ramularia.
• Downey mildews and Powedery mildews.
• Anthracnose spots in fruits such as Mango, Papaya, Banana etc.
• Fungal diseases.
Trichoderma Viride gives protection against a number of soil – borne / seed borne pathogens to crop in nursery beds and as well in field by action of myco – parasitism and antibiosis.
Trichoderma viridi acts on plant pathogens through competition for space and nutrients, parasitization, disintegrates the pathogen hyphae by enzymes and antagonistic properties.
Trichoderma viride fungus with a population density of 109 c.f.u./ml.
AGRIDERMA controls Root rot, Collar rot, Rhizome rot, Wilt, Red rot, Damping off, Smut, active on blights/leaf spots caused by Alternaria, Ascochyta, Cercospora, Macrophomina, Myrothecium, Ramularia Downy mildews & powdery mildews.
Application details:
Rice, Wheat, Maize, sorghum, Cotton, Pulses and Vegetables(3-4 month crops) plantation crops.
Seed Treatment: The seeds required for one acre is mixed with 50 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma each and shade dried for 30 minutes before sowing.
Soil Application: For 1 ac, Mix 200 ml – 400 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma with organic manure and apply as basal application. or through fertigation.
Turmeric, Ginger, Banana, Sugarcane and Flower crops(6 month to 1 year crop)
Soil Application: For 1 ac, Mix 500 ml of Azospyrillum, Rhizobium, Agrimonas, Agriderma with organic manure and apply as basal application. or through fertigation.
Coconut, Mango, Amla, Citrus, Sapota, Vanilla, Pepper, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee, Palm, Cashew and Cocoa.
Foliar Application:
• 2ml of Agriderma per litre of water.
• Foliar application is recommended for sigatokka leaf spot in banana, leaf blotch and leaf spot in turmeric, powdery and Downy mildews in various fruit and vegetable crops only.
• During foliar application of Agriderma, always use Agrimonas 2ml/litre and organic plus 5ml/litre for immediate recovery.
Highly active on
• Root and stem rots caused by Schlerotinia and Rhizoctonio.
• Damping off caused by Pythium
• Blights/leaf spots caused by Alternaria, Ascochyta, Cercospora, Macrophomina, Myrothecium, Ramularia.
• Downey mildews and Powdery mildews.
• Anthracnose spots in fruits such as Mango, Papaya, and Banana etc.
• Fungal diseases.
It decomposes raw organic farm wastes, solubilizes soil phosphorus, reclaims adverse soils, promotes plant growth and protects soil eco-system. It increases the plants growth & vigour as well as built resistance in plants to drought and diseases. It is compatible with organic manures and bio fertilizers.