Our Agrifirst team, has developed a new tonic named AGRIFIRST COCOS NUTRIVITA™ for coconut plants that prevents button shedding and increases nut size.
The solution is ready to tie in tender roots of coconut tree.
QUICK ABSORBTIONA root of pencil thickness has to be identified about three feet away from the trunk.”
“The root must be cut slantingly at the tip with a sharp knife and the sachet containing the tonic has be tied inserting the root completely into the sachet.” Absorption will be quick when both the soil and the atmosphere are dry.
The tonic contains essential major and micronutrients in right proportions besides plant growth regulators.
The concentration and acidity of the tonic are adjusted to suit both tree variety — dwarf and long-term.
Imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers, especially in perennial plantations like coconut groves has resulted in soil fertility depletion, which leads to nutrient deficiency, button shedding and poor nut size.
Since the tonic directly enters into the metabolic stream of the tree through the root, it ensures the supply of all the essential nutrients besides providing natural protection to the trees against Eriophyid mite attack, various pests and other environmental stresses.
The tonic is available in 200ml sachets priced at Rs 5. One sachet is to be used for a tree. The sachet can be stored up to one month from the date of manufacture.